Friday 27 April 2012

Speak up, I'm running out of credit.

So, the past few days of my holiday from work have flown by, and I've done next to nothing.
We went in to town yesterday, me and Sam, also Sam's sister. Nothing exciting happened though, not a thing. Firestarter women and stinky man were nowhere to be seen, and nobody else stepped up to the plate.
Although I have not done a great deal during my week off its still been great, just the fact that I haven't had to go to work is worth it in its self.
We did the Norwich thing, me and Charlotte, and a few trips in to town with Sam.
Me and Sam went to Colchester Tuesday, which was fun we haven't been there for a while, certainly since we got rid of the car. We went on the bus; not the best journey the bus seems to stop every few yards. One village we went through the bus stopped twice in the space of 300 yards, why? Why couldn't these people just meet at one stop, rather than having to pick each person up right outside their houses. Maybe they don't like each other, who knows.
It was most enjoyable trooping round Colchester for the morning, spent a few bob had a bite to eat and got the bus home. There was one small thing I suppose, worth writing about.
A loud women where we ate, one of those people who doesn't need the phone they are speaking in to.
They shout so loud, the person at the other end must have to hold the phone feet from their face.
They are good to listen to though, you can join in with what they chat about, only one side of the conversation mind, which sometimes does make it all the funnier. If only the person at the other end new that all their dirty washing was being aired in public, fortunately anonymously.

I did start writing a blog entry the other day. I sat at the computer watching Prime Ministers questions thinking how bloody childish these people act in front of the cameras. Its really quite amusing to sit and listen to them, jeering and shouting across at each other. Still, could be worse, they could be the countries decision makers!
It's like a kindergarten in there, I'm sure I saw one of them poke their tongue out the other day. It's also quite funny to see them passing notes to each other.
David says you smell!
Quick scribble, pass that back please. John says you've got a face like a donkeys arse.
I used to get in trouble at school for passing notes backwards and forwards, MICHAEL! COME HERE AND BRING THE NOTE!
It wasn't me Miss!

Enough of that stuff, now they can track and intercept email and other sorts of electronic communications, as I might get in trouble.
That sonofnesbit's been writing about you on his blog.

Yeah, but he wrote about you as well, he said you smell.

Get him in, and tell him to bring the blog with him.

That's not really how it works, its on the Internet.

Ok, get him to bring the Internet in with him!

But Prime Minister its.......

Just do it!

Like I say above, its a good job they don't have to make really important decisions isn't it.

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