Sunday 28 July 2013

Oi..............Gym, over here!

Joined a gym last week, this really is one hell of a mid-life crisis.
My reasons for joining are really to help me with the running, as at the minute the breathing is ok its just the rest of the body thats telling me to stop. So I'm hoping that some gym work will help with my stamina.

The new jobs going very well. I'm lucky enough to work with a good bunch again, and all the residents are wonderful.
Been referred to as eye candy twice now, and neither of them had a guide dog. One of them was in her 90s, but her vision, as far as I can tell, is sound(ish) The other one, well, as it happens she is slightly boss eyed, so chances are she may even have been talking to someone else I suppose.

Still not smoking, both me and Sam, been 18 months now, and really dont miss it at all.

Golfs going fine as well, well it is up until i draw a club from the bag and address the ball, then it all falls apart, but we have a laugh. Played The Suffolk the other week, and the golf was of a particularly shambolic standard, it was so bad that me and my playing partner Mat lost all but 2 of our golf balls. The water is like a magnet over there, no matter how close it is to the tee the ball just plummets straight in. I'm bloody sure that at one point I spotted David Bellamy peering back at me from the undergrowth.
Ok, so thats what I've been up to over the past few weeks, bugger all really reading this back, but it will do.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Ok so ugly folk do jog

I admit it, I've let the side down. I've been out, in public, on the public highway, jogging. I know what I said before, but what are rules for, if not for breaking.
I'm off out again tomorrow. The one thing I have noticed though, is how different it is to jog on the road, compared to running on a treadmill.
I'll be dragging a friend along with me tomorrow, to deflect any ridicule that may come my way, actually, I invited him along as I feel it just might help me.
I'm getting there slowly, I'm just not sure where it is I'm going.
I wont make any of my times public yet, not until I'm pleased with them that is. 

Monday 8 July 2013

One for sorrow

Went out for a very nice stroll in the countryside with Sam and the dog yesterday evening, a little cooler, but still nice.
Anyway, near the end Sam pointed out a magpie on a log on the floor, chatting away to another magpie some few yards away. We stood and watched for a few moments, and I thought I would join in. I attempted to miminc the magpies call, but just really succeeded in making the noise humans make when calling a cat. That pursed lipped high pitched noise. 
The magpie called back, so, overjoyed at my Dr Dolittle moment I carried on the conversation. The other magpie was answering as well, or so I thought. After a few minutes I kind of realised that, neither bird was answering me, they was just talking to each other.
First bird. Can you hear that fat bloke, making that god awfull noise.
Second bird. Yeah, I'll bet you anything he thinks he's taking to us, keep it up.
First bird. Yeah, what a twat, better watch out though, if he keeps making that noise this field will be full of cats very soon.
I pointed this fact out to Sam, at least I cheered someone up, and I thought I was so clever.