Wednesday 8 February 2012

A smoke, a smoke, my kingdom for a smoke, no thanks, I've given up

Yesterday, Tuesday, was two weeks since we quit smoking. It's actually been a good journey all things considered. We've had the odd bad moment, well, more than a moment in reality, more along the lines of an hour or so now and again. If you can fight through the tough hour or so you can win the battle. Ignore the hour and you get a good while before it comes back.
Sam's doing really well, being stuck at home, been keeping herself mega busy with house work.
I never really think about smoking at work, at all, it's the easiest time I've found. It's when I'm on my four days off that it's harder, more time to think about it I should imagine.
I actually met someone today who has been reading this blog, and he looked quite normal as well, I'll check again in a month with a sanity update.
Football tonight, Middlesbrough vs Sunderland, FA Cup replay, red and white army, but which red n white army are you on about man? Sunderland of course.

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