Monday 26 March 2012

I think not!

A few weeks ago I received some rather disturbing news. I don't mind bad news, I can normally cope with that ok, within reason I suppose, but this, well this was as I say, disturbing.
I'm of an age now where certain things no longer really matter to much. Getting old means that you have to deal with aches and pains, doing stuff you wouldn't have done a few years back, not being able to do other stuff you could do a few years back. Being able to embarrass the kids easily is one of the perks of getting older and it can be good fun.
However, there are certain things that must remain a no-no, things that age is just not responsible for, and it is unfair to blame it on that.
The disturbing news I received from my friend, which was blamed on age, is the fact that he has been out and purchased 2 pairs of corduroy trousers. Now I can make allowances for most faux pars, be they fashion or anything else, but this, well this is just beyond being forgiven.
He is one of my oldest friends so obviously I approached the subject with care, so as to not hurt his feelings. I told him that if he ever came round my house in them that would be it, I would shun him on my doorstep. Caring enough I think, some times tact is not the way.
He seemed to take it quite well, but the other day he informed me that he is getting another pair. I get the feeling he is trying to corner the corduroy market, thus holding the other corduroy wearers to ransom by artificially inflating the price on the open market. Keep watching the news and I guarantee that within a few weeks the headline will be, "world shortage of corduroy, only one source now available to buyers". There will be a corduroy market, the price will fluctuate like gold.
I sometimes wonder if there has been some form of outside influence in his decision making, maybe the wife. If so it could almost be classed as bullying, domestic abuse, husband beating! Maybe its peer pressure, like when we was at school and one of our friends had new trainers, or t-shirt and we had to get one the same. Maybe my friend is hanging out with folk a lot older than him, and that corduroy is the order of the day for those of a certain age, even so, just stop it now, for the sake of our friendship.

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