Monday 5 March 2012

Death.....What is it good for?????????

Well to be truthful I'm not to sure.
I don't profess to being an expert, nor am I overly religious, but I do give the death question a bit of thought now and again.
I wouldn't say I sit around with my head in my hands, moaning Oh woe is me, nor do I lose sleep over it, I just ponder the question "is this it?"
I tend to write these blogs on the fly, nothing scripted, just an initial thought and I then let my fingers run across the keyboard, my fingers are not ugly (see last blog post).
I think about the fact that surely this cant be it, one attempt and that's your lot, what about the folk who put a lot of effort in? Nope, there must definitely be more to it.
We hear all sort of stories about near death experiences, the fact that they are so similar may not mean anything really, it just means people listen to others, but we cant dismiss them out of hand, there's no smoke without fire.
Unfortunately we wont find out categorically until its just to late, bummer, but be patient you will find out, unless you are a vamipre! I can add to the mix though, I think I'm allowed.
See, I think its all linked to the ultimate question, "what is the meaning of life?" What if this is just the start, death is our birth into real life. I'm not sure I want to go through another birth really though, Ive seen videos, and been present at a couple, and they are awfully messy, lots of muck and stuff, crying and sweat, yuk!
The light people see in their near death experience could be the, well you know what I mean. Out of the dark, into the light, BANG!
Picture the scene, an 80 year old passes forth into, what I'm calling birth, covered in stuff, crying and screaming, and then that first look around. He/she looks round, looks down at themself, see the stuff all over them, tuts loudly, and falls over, Zimmer frames dont get reborn!
Then what? I don't know, like I said, I write this on the fly, it just spews forth. If it seems funny or interesting I'll put it here to see what you think. Leave the odd comment if you like, nothing rude though, I'll just remove them and you would have wasted 30 seconds of your birth time!


Stuart said...

I did write briefly about this somewhere else once (and I'm trying to work it into some sort of short story), but I do like the idea of life only being linear while we're alive... so, in other words, when you die you can choose on the massive timeline of life where you'd like to start the next one... can be backwards in time, forwards or even the same again. Needs work as a concept, but life only being linear while you're alive is a nice idea, I think!

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