Tuesday 12 July 2016

What have I done????

I've failed as a parent, well and truly.
Today I saw a video on Facebook, which made me smile. I usually tag my daughter in any of these posts so she to can have an ah moment, or a chuckle. This one had both.
Little did I know it would make me realise I have failed so dramatically!
The video in question showed a seal on a beach with a labrador dog. The seal was being petted by who I take it to be, are the dogs owners.
They pet the seal and then the seal cuddles the dog, all very cute and warm hearted stuff. Wheres the failure in that I hear you cry?
We that comes after.
I picked up my daughter, I won't tell you how old she is, suffice to say she's in her last year as a teenager :-) lol.
We chatted about how cute the video was and I said, rather innocently, wow I've not seen anyone pet a seal before in the wild, they can give you a nasty nip. They have really sharp teeth.
Can they, came the stunned reply from daughter. Oh yes darling, razor sharp.
I didn't know they had teeth, came to gobsmakingly remarkable comment from daughter.
Sorry? I said, you didn't know they had teeth!!!!!
How do you think they eat fish, bloody suck them.

'Oi Dave, these blooming fish take an age to eat, sucking them'.
'Yes Trevor, for crying out loud don't try the squid, you'll be there forever'.

I was, to say the least, dumb struck.
Fortunately we have a wonderful relationship and I laughed endlessly at her, even when she started crying. :-)
Its one of the many things, that, unfortunately for her, I wont let her forget for a good while.
Thank you darling, your a star and I love you to bits

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