Monday 10 June 2013

Wind of change

So, what is it about someone else's wind which is just completely unbearable?
Especially, I am starting to discover, elderly folks wind. Out it comes, but they carry on as though nothing has happened. In the car is worst! It catches you by surprise, no sound, just a sudden vial odour, and the sort of feeling in the pit of your stomach that makes you want to cry. It was that foul, and she was that frail, I honestly thought I'd done it, I needed to feel to see if I'd crapped myself. You can't open the window either, or else they know you know, not that that was ever on doubt in reality, this was like chemical warfare, so it's a real deep breath and no speaking. My glasses started to steam up, and the rear view mirror came unstuck from the windscreen. 
"I think I may have a bad belly"
Not anymore I thought, that must have cleared. In gonna be tasting it for days.
Still, all in a days work, sick with a smile on my face.

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