Friday 17 April 2020

Tanned todger

I don't do bored, never have done, never will do. I do guilty; guilty at myself if I sit around and waste a day away, but not boredom. Funny but I never feel guilty until the day is done and I've looked back in disgust at my laziness.
So, today's while away an hour of not sitting was, cleaning the canopy above our front door. Something I can safely say that I have never done before. Was it fun I hear you cry, nope, is my, rather to enthusiastic response. It filled an hour like I said. No
one said that the chores, for that is all these jobs are, were meant to be fun.

Still on the subject of 'lock-down' who else is drinking way to much tea and coffee? I bloody know I am, never been to the toilet so much.
Pretty sure that if I'd have been weeing alfresco the old chap would, by now, have a nice tan, its been out that much.
I wont delve into your private hell of drinking to much of the slightly less good for you stuff, we all cope in our own ways, just don't get to reliant on it.

Funny how cleaning the canopy above the front door can be more of a draw than washing the car. I've never ever been enthusiastic about washing cars, not sure why, just a task that has never floated my boat. I may reach the point where I need to do it, just not yet.

So, here ends today's update. Now go, do stuff, but above all, stay safe.
Much love.

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