Tuesday 14 April 2020

I'm sorry, what did he say he'd done!

So, we sit in doors most days now, listening to each others moans and groans, kids mainly. The birds outside have never sounded so happy.
Nature, it would seem, is thumbing its nose at us poor souls stuck indoors.
What can we do with ourselves during this time, hobbies we thought long lost to having to much 'important' stuff to do? Maybe, maybe not. Some of the past hobbies have long since been discarded, or sold in my case; I can hear my family and close friends telling me,”told you you should have kept that stuff”, yeah, whatever.

I have dragged up a couple of previous hobbies, long thought lost to being to busy. Painting, and writing to name them both. Past a happy hour or three painting over the past few days, which was nice.
There has been another form of painting done too, one I'm not quite so, ahem, keen on.....walls and skirting boards. Good god I hate decorating, which anyone who has lived with me during the past, erm, entirety of my life, would be only to happy to vouch for.
I was tasked with decorating the living room around 18 months ago, which means at that time we went out and bought all the stuff, so, when this natural reset happened the old, we cant really go out and buy it excuse wants going to cut mustard. Bugger it.
The thing with the living room wasn't just the painting, oh no, there was wallpaper involved. Now I'm no painter and decorator so I really wasn't looking forward to that part.
So, after, I think it was, 4 days, the room was done, well, as done as it was going to be. So now what? Lock-down means those jobs we didn't have time for before are suddenly doable; its a living hell for someone as, how can I put this nicely, ah yes, bone idol as I am.
The dining room needs decorating too, if you fancy it? We have the paint for that.
Now, in normal times there would be about 3 years between rooms, this was looking like there wouldn't even be 3 days.
Well, as hard as this might be for some to grasp, I did it, I painted 2 rooms in the same year, no, scratch that, the same month, THE SAME MONTH, and you know what, they both look pretty groovy.

Well, I think that will do for today's update, back to pondering stuff.

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