Sunday 26 June 2016

Bob a job

Who remembers Bob a job, well sod Bob, give me a job.
I know, I know, slightly controversial, a Brit wanting to work, well it is according to our government anyway. Did they not say that the Eastern Europeans come here because we don't want to work? 
Shut up you fool of course you don't, there's only the crap jobs we don't want to do left anyway. You know, those jobs working for those factories and business that obviously didn't exist before the open borders, the jobs obviously no one did before, or am I being a trifle cynical?
I suppose I could buy myself 4 cans of Special Brew (other super strong brain rot is available) and sit on the town hall steps and not have to look for work, and just claim the JSA, is it really that easy? 
I've been informed I must spend 35 hours a week looking for work to earn my dole money. I really don't have a problem with doing something to earn it but there's only so much time, after the first search, that you can spend looking.
And what about our half brained friend on the town hall steps with his Special Brew, does he spend 35 hours a week looking for work, I'll bet he don't spend 35 hours a week able to focus, let alone look for a job.
Oh well, rant over. 
Signing on day tomorrow, deep joy. 

Now where did I put that can of larger.

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