Wednesday 5 September 2012

Pass the Lemsip on the left hand side

Right, lets get one thing straight right from the start. I've got man flu, but I'm not, I hasten to add, NOT, looking for sympathy, that is unless you really want to give me some.
It came on at the weekend and has stuck around with a vengeance for the past days.
I wouldn't mind but I've not been fraternising with anyone who has the dreaded bug, it just came out of the blue.
I've not really been far since it sprung up, just went to town with the wife and shopped around for some cold treatments, and tissues.
For some reason I havent been receiving the level of support at home that, as a man who is unwell, I should maybe get. No special therapies from the family, no therapeutic rubs down with a moist Sporting Life, just a shrug, and get on with it, oh, and could you wipe that snot off the TV screen you dirty sod.
Of course, being a bloke you can imagine, I just plod on without making a fuss, not a word of moaning about how incredibly ill I am has crossed my lips, just loads of spit and flem.
Having said that, apart from my immediate family Ive managed  to avoid all others, apart from walking past them in the street.
So, since my last update what have I been up to?
Well, unfortunately there will be considerably less bus journeys due to the fact that I now have a car, after 8 months of car free travel.
Still, having a car again is very nice, but we did remarkably well without one for all that time, and surprisingly didn't miss it as much as we might have imagined at the start.
The main thing about not having a car, after owning one, is going out for unplanned visits, trips to the cinema and other places not served by public transport in the evening or night.
The bad thing, on the other hand is, no more Rufus Hound lookalikes, no more twisted fire starters, or, folk in coats in the summer, see other older posts.

Me and Charlotte went to the theatre last week, the Mercury theatre in Colchester, and watched, Haunting Julia.
We both enjoyed it very much and would recommend it to friends. Its on until 8th September, with evening shows and matinees.
So, what else have we done?
We went out and did some Geocaching last weekend, at Long Melford, I also put out another one late last week for others to find.
Right, thats it for this update, now where did I put those tissues?

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