Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Theres a cat in the kitchen what am I gonna do!

What is it that makes us have those really stupid thoughts? The sort of thought where you know what your thinking cant possibly have happened, or be happening but doesn't stop you having them.
I had one such moment a few weeks ago now. We had, up until last week, a cat, ginger in colour, which we rather inventively called Ginger, sadly she died last week at the age of 15, she had a good innings.
Anyway, over the last few months of her life she developed a penchant for climbing in the kitchen bin, In the style of many a cartoon cat, Top Cat springs to mind.
This particular moment happened when we still smoked. We always smoked in the area of the house we referred to as the outhouse, an area just off the kitchen with a door to the garden which we opened whilst smoking.
Well as me and Sam walked out for a smoke I noticed an inch of something poking out of the bin lid, which had closed right up. I stopped and bent down to have a look at what i first thought was a small portion of rubber washing up glove, but, upon lifting the lid and peering inside I saw it was Ginger, it was the last couple of inches of her tail. Unfortunately for me 'oh, its Ginger' wasn't the first thought I had oh no, the first thought was 'whos thrown away a perfectly good cat'. I mean, please, what sort of thought is that? Where did that come from, thrown the cat away! Now, if it was in the street, and not our bin or cat it may not seem such a stupid thought, but as she was our cat, in the bin inside our house, well sometimes the mind defies belief. Needless to say Ginger didn't see the funny side, as I pulled her from the bin, but boy Sam did, and still does, along with my daughter, who was informed the very moment she came in from school.

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