Me and Sam had a walk in to town today, and we usually get the bus home. Well in the queue at the bus station was Rufus Hounds sister. She never had so much a 5 o'clock shadow, more like a half past eight shadow. I can only assume that in the early years of her life she must have slipped a razor around her face, and judging by how coarse the stubble was she still does. Shaving it now must be a vain attempt to keep it under control, or to give her that rugged look, who knows.
She looks like she is wearing a balaclava. I know what some of you may be thinking, its cruel, but its to late, the damage is done, I've written about her here already, maybe I shouldn't, but I have.
It was quite amusing in that one of the women hairy was with asked said to another women how nice her hair looked, I had to double take to make sure she wasn't talking to Mrs Hound, how cheeky would that have been.
"Your hair looks nice, but I still think you should have left the sideburns. Oh yes a goatee really suits you dear".
Heaven forbid she's married, kissing her husband goodnight could be quite traumatic. Velcro! Stuck together all night, face to face in the eternal kiss. The ripping sound as one of them turns over in their sleep, followed by the scream of pain.
I wonder if she applies after shave? I couldn't smell anything whilst in the queue, but then again, she hadn't shaved for a few days, well I hope it was days and not just yesterday. Anyway, I thought I would just update you on that little event as it tickled me, not her beard you understand, we never got that close.
Just a quick footnote. Me and Sam are still not smoking, its been a couple of months now. We still get the odd strong craving some days, which are as strong as they ever have been but now they just last a minute or two, and not half an hour. We are enjoying spending our pocket money, the money we would have spent each month on cigarettes. We split the money between us and buy something we don't really need, but never the less want.
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