Thursday, 8 March 2012

The curtains are twitching

Just under the Internet explorer bar when I'm on my blog there is another bar which says, among other things, next blog. By clicking this title I can explore my neighbours blogs and see what they have been up to.
Boy O boy must they be disappointed in me. I can hear them saying to each other, have you seen who's moved into the area, just over there, look there he is, look what he's writing about, I suppose he thinks its funny.
I looked through about 6 or 7 of them and most, if not all where religious based. Sending glad tidings to people, wishing people Gods speed.
I look back over my own blog and feel incredibly ashamed of myself, cats in bins, to knackered to ride my bike, giving up smoking (those people would never have started), ugly people, football and talking about death, what a load of old crap, but, I love it. I wouldn't change even if asked. I thought writing this would just be a flash in the pan, but no, I really enjoy it. Getting stuff off your chest is really quite therapeutic. Who cares if I embarrass myself, I just love making people laugh. If one person stumbles on my blog and leaves having had a little chuckle I would have achieved my goal.
So really, as much as they love their blogs about religion and such like, and they do a good job, but they can get a little samey, you can keep all that stuff, write about what you know best, and I know crap!

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