Its here, at last, after the longest build up in the history of politics, the EU referendum. I would say thank goodness for that, however I fear it may be followed by the longest debrief in the history of politics, and wow won't that be thrilling. Did that sound sincere enough?
Its been one great long smugathon as far as I can tell. Instead of kissing babies during the campaign both sides have been kissing our arses to get your vote.
Im of course going to vote, why wouldn't you? Why would someone let a bunch of strangers decide their future? Doesn't make sense to me at all.
Am I going to tell you how Im voting, erm, nope why should I, Im not asking how your voting. To be honest I don't really care how your voting just so long as you do. How you vote won't change either my thinking, or make me change what I think of you one bit, you know I love you and that will never change, well, unless you get a nasty disease, or that rash comes back!
On a lighter note, its stopped raining so that must mean summer is here!
Quick run you may get to the polling station without getting moist.
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