Friday, 19 October 2012

But I was sleeping in that

First things first, Ive had over 4000 views of the blog since i started it, thanks for taking the time to look.

Ok, on with the update.
Dont you hate adverts that seem to give the story or idea very little thought, or are just downright lazy.
Ibis hotels are showing an ad at the moment, about their brand new Ibis hotel bed, which according to them, their engineers couldn't rest until they completed.
The ad shows a chap in bed, and then into shot appear around 5 other people, who proceed to pick up the man in the bed. They hold him in the air whilst the new "Ibis bed" is wheeled under him removing the old bed. We are led to believe that this new bed is much better, and more comfortable and will give you a good nights sleep. What they seem to have forgotten, or noticed, is that when the bed bloke is lifted he is sound asleep, obviously comfortable enough in the old, inferior bed.
Theres an advertising executive sitting in an office somewhere with a right smug look on his face, twat!
I wonder if they should show these ads to members of the public first, no, better still, show someone the concept first before you shoot it. It is, in my opinion, a lazy advert and should have been given a lot more thought.

If you can give one of the adverts on my blog a click that would be great. Thanks for looking.

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