Driving through a village the other day I noticed something that hadn't really hit me before, It's the thought that counts speed limit.
Have you noticed, I'm sure you have, how, when you approach a limit of say, 40mph from a 60mph zone, you just slow down, not to 40 nope, you just slow down, to about, I don't know, 45mph, after all, its the thought that counts, isn't it?
Surely it would be the case, that if you was to be pulled over by one of our custodians of the law he would realise that you had at least made an effort to obey the speed limit.
"I just pulled you over sir to thank you for making the effort, I know you never quite got to 40, but, its the thought that counts, off you go, have a nice day, and dont forget to nearly obey the speed limit".
Almost everyone does it, the person I was following at the time just slowed down to about 45mph from 60mph, a smug, that's near enough look on his face, I know there was, as there was one on mine.
Its quite funny really, sometimes I drive along passing comment on the driver in front for cruising off into the distance, not bothering to slow down at all.
Thinking about it, its probably worse to slow down a bit, not enough, just a bit, you see, by slowing down I'm acknowledging the fact that I'm going to fast, which must be worse than continuing at the same speed.
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