I make no claims to this tale what so ever, I heard it on the show and felt it needed telling to my friends on here. I hope you find it as funny as I found it.
Danny Baker does a talk show where people phone in on subjects he puts out at the start of the show, this week 2 of the subjects where on funny stories involving either dogs or cats.
This women phoned up with the tail of her dog Micky, and how he used to escape from their house, via lifting the sash window with his nose and getting out.
They used to dress Micky and cat up, jumpers, knickers and such like.
Micky was a mongrel, not a pedigree, she said he looked like a Border Collie, and so did most of the other dogs in the area. You see, Micky was a bit of a gigolo, a ladies dog if you will.
Well on this one occasion Micky had got out and away he went.
Later in the day there was a knock at the door and it was Micky's owners next door neighbour, informing Micky's owner that Micky was round the corner servicing her dog.
How do you know it's our Micky? says his owner, most of the dogs in the area look like our Micky.
Well, came the reply from the neighbour, he had a hat on.
That's it, that's the story that I found so funny, and still do actually.
I think the thing that makes it so funny is that its a very visual tale, where you can picture it any way you want to.
It makes it very personal visualising a story in your own way. You see, in my image of Micky with his hat, on I have him with the hat just tipped at a slightly jaunty angle, looking sideways at the neighbour and almost winking. Just going about, what to him was everyday business.
So, if you didn't find it overly funny, firstly I'm sorry to waste your time, but secondly maybe you didn't visualise it, try going back over it with your own scene.
Art by Skippy |
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