Four weeks today, since we quit smoking, how well do we think we are doing, well, very well thanks,
I work with a bloke who gave up smoking over a year ago, December 2010 I think it was; well while we was at work the other night he took time out from his job to inform me, out of the blue, that 'this is great weather to smoke in', random! Great weather to smoke in? Whats that all about, it was bloody freezing. 'Warms the cockles' he followed the first remark with. Firstly, what the hell are your cockles, and secondly, how will smoking warm them, where ever they may be?
I love comments like that, things that don't seem to have anything to do with the thing they are describing, like warming your cockles. another that I like, that is really bizarre is, I'm not as green as I'm cabbage looking. Which means something along the lines of, how stupid do you think I am, or I'm not that stupid really, where did that come from?
Ok, back the not smoking. After my mate said that comment about being great weather for smoking he really set me off wanting a smoke, I didnt give in I hasten to add, but it was the closest I'd been for a while. I do still get cravings, not every day, but maybe every other day, just a quick moment of weakness. They last a few seconds, no longer than that, and then they go and life with out the evil weed goes on as normal agian.
Still walking everywhere, but its great, being able to breath easy whilst walking, not coughing and whezing when I reach my destination for the first time in years, makes giving up smoking worth it. Im not saying for one minute that the air where I live is alpine fresh, not green vally pure, but it seems cleaner now than it did before. The sense of smell is also returning, which at times is not great, especially when cleaning up after the dog (quick, pass a cigarette) but a lot of the time it is wondeful. Walking past a bakers is great, or a coffee shop, I love the smell of a coffee shop, well, I do now I know they actually smell nice.
Ok, I'm off for a coffee and fresh cake now, will update soon.
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