Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Good day, bad day

So, today was really good regarding the none smoking. I was back to work today so it was a lot easier.
Good day bad day? Well, good day not smoking, bad day, back to work.
22:30 tonight and its a week since we last smoked, splendid. I'm particularly proud of Sam, as she's at home all day it must be so much harder for her, but she's doing just great.
Just finished watching the first half of the football, Everton V Manchester City, dull as dishwater, although having said that a fan did run on and handcuff himself to the goalposts, what a guy! It was the highlight of the first half, 0-0 and from what I've seen they was both lucky to get 0.
Right, back to the sofa for the second half.

1 comment:

JoeOrton said...

1 Week.... proud of you both!